Start and advance your career through apprenticeship

If you or someone you know is looking for a career that pays well, offers competitive benefits, and plenty of opportunities for advancement, an apprenticeship in the construction trades is a great place to start.

This guidebook produced by the City of Seattle and Sound Transit in partnership with other regional organizations includes details on how to:

  1. Get prepared for career success through pre-apprenticeship training.

  2. Find an apprenticeship program that will fit your career goals.

  3. Advance through apprenticeship into a career that will support you and your family.


2020 Construction Apprenticeship Guidebook

Discover the best pathway to your career in construction!

Discover more apprenticeship resources

We’ve created a wealth of information to help Washington workers and employers learn about apprenticeship:

Employers, watch the 5 Components of Apprenticeship Webinar to learn what makes up a successful apprenticeship program.

Job seekers and workers, hear what makes apprenticeship the best fit for you.


STEM Cafe: Not Just Hammers & Nails


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