Implicit Bias, Equity, & Diversity
The Construction Center of Excellence is committed to supporting a culture of respect, inclusion, and diversity in the construction industry.
The Workforce Implicit Bias Training Institute is an in-person and online training platform for the workforce education system in Washington State, to develop working tools and processes to identify and reduce unconscious biases that hinder student, apprentice, faculty, and leadership success and enrich the overall campus, learning and training environments.
The project is building a sustainable training model, through the development and implementation of a pathway of scaffolded Cycles and trainings. The project is building a cohort of campus, K-12 and apprenticeship advocates to identify and strategically reduce bias at all critical decision-points through the examination and implementation of policies and practices within each respective campus, K-12 and apprenticeship program.
The project is led by the Washington State Centers of Excellence for: Marine Manufacturing & Technology, Construction, Careers in Education, Agriculture & Natural Resource, and the Machinists Institute.
Webinar Recordings
Implicit Bias and Student Homelessness with Claudia Avendaño-Ibarra, MSW LSWAIC | May 17, 2022
Neurodiversity and Implicit Bias with Ranieka Weston, ACC, SHRM-SCP | April 28, 2022
Introduction to Implicit Bias, Dr. Rita Cameron-Wedding | March 10, 2022
Leadership in Implicit Bias, Zenovia Harris | June 3, 2021
LGBTQ & Gender Biases, Morgan Mentzer | May 18, 2021
Inclusive Pedagogy, Gretchen Robertson & Kip Zwolenski | April 21, 2021
Impact of a Significant Event in Workforce Education, Dr. Rita Cameron Wedding | March 2, 2021
Introduction to Implicit Bias, Dr. Rita Cameron Wedding | February 3, 2021
Resources and Events
Knocking Down Walls: Discrimination and Harassment in Construction
The hearing, “Knocking Down Walls: Discrimination and Harassment in Construction,” provides historical, statistical, and experiential evidence of race- and sex-based harassment and discrimination that has limited opportunities for Black, Asian, Hispanic, Native American and female workers in construction.
Harvard Project Implicit for self assessment.
Diversity and Equity in Hiring: 17 Steps in the Hiring Process
Implicit Bias Resources This list includes multiple sources and sites for information.
13th by Ava DuVernay, https://youtu.be/1WU608Z2678
Presentation from Dr. K. Dutt, Columbia University https://fas.columbia.edu/files/fas/content/Dutt%20Implicit%20Bias%20Presentation%20090817.pdf
National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity (NAPE) https://www.napequity.org