Frequently Asked Questions
Learn about how the Washington Centers of Excellence operate and the role each center plays in supporting a vibrant economy and diverse workforce in Washington State.
What are the Centers of Excellence?
Statewide liaisons to business, industry, labor, and education.
Support economic and workforce development in targeted industry.
Leads collaborative education and training efforts that build a competitive workforce.
What is the Construction Center of Excellence?
The Construction Center of Excellence works with state community and technical colleges (CTC) preparing a skilled workforce through education and training initiatives.
Are we a College?
No - we are a clearinghouse/resource center for business, industry, education, and students. We research, analyze, and distribute information on specific industry topics to:
address skills gaps,
expand training capacity, access, diversity, inclusion, and equity,
and incorporate best practices into education programs.
Who do we serve?
We serve business and industry, college faculty, and administration providing technical assistance, expertise, information, and research on local, state, and national initiatives and workforce tends.
Who do we report to?
All Centers report to the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) which in turn reports to the Governor.
In 2009, Washington State became the first and only state in the nation to codify Centers of Excellence (COE) designating the Centers as statewide leaders in industry-specific community and technical college workforce education and training.
Who funds us?
Each Center receives $254,157 in General Funds annually from the Washington State legislature distributed through the SBCTC.
Where are the Centers located?
Centers are hosted on selected two-year college campuses around the state initially designated because of the expertise and outstanding programs of the host college.
Hosting a Center of Excellence on a campus creates some unique challenges due to the statewide industry focus and leadership model.
Centers serve the entire SBCTC college system; they are not owned by a particular campus, but rather, they are owned by the entire CTC system.
What areas do we serve?
The Construction COE promotes pathway programs in the construction and building trades industry statewide.
How does the Construction COE help students?
Our work improves what and how students learn. We partner with industry, labor, and the CTC system to ensure curriculum is current and relevant. We advocate for expanded apprenticeship opportunities, credit for prior learning, and industry-recognized credentials.
What is a Host College?
Host college means any community college in Washington State that is designated a Center of Excellence. This requires the host college to accommodate the Center’s needs such as fiduciary oversight, meeting spaces, equipment, and other needs.