Construction I-Best Programs
The State Board for Community and Technical Colleges and the college system developed Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training (I-BEST) to better support adult basic education students advance to certificate and degree completion. Because a portion of credits earned must be college-level, I-BEST paves the way for students to continue their training or to return for more education.
Talent and skills determine the competitive edge in today’s global market. Most new jobs, and the majority paying a family wage, require some education beyond high school. I-BEST pairs workforce training and ABE or ESL so students learn literacy and workplace skills at the same time. Adult literacy and vocational instructors work together to develop and deliver instruction. Colleges provide higher levels of support and student services to address the needs of non-traditional students.
The following is a list of colleges with construction I-BEST programs and their course title:
Olympic College: Welding
Green River College: Carpentry
Center for Learning Connections
The Center for Learning Connections (CLC) designs training and manages projects with educators, welfare and workforce development professionals, and community-based organizations. www.learningconnections.org