Resources & Support
We’ve gathered a wide range of resources and links to support programs, organizations, and other helpful items to support worker retention and underrepresented groups in construction.
Recruitment and Retention
Why Journey Level Plumbers?
Are plumbing apprentice graduates safer than their non-apprentice peers?
Professional licensing Employment history (Unemployment Insurance data) Workers comp claims Apprenticeship registry Linking data by worker SSN, we can estimate injury rates of apprentice grads vs. non-grads during post-apprenticeship professional career.
Workers’ compensation claims among journey level plumbers by apprenticeship participation.
Cares of Washington
Cares of Washington helps improve apprentice retention. Supporting apprentices to success! Your dedicated Retention Specialist can help apprentices:
Juggle home and career obligations such as communication, conflict resolution, giving/receiving feedback.
Access a wide range of supportive services at no charge to them, such as housing, childcare, transportation, re-licensing, union dues, job-site tools/clothing, mental health and addiction struggles, legal issues, etc.
Resources for women and historically marginalized communities
ANEW is a non-profit organization linking women to apprenticeships and livable wage jobs in construction trades, manufacturing, aerospace and utilities.
National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) orginally began as Women in Construction of Fort Worth, Texas. NAWIC's core purpose is to enhance the success of women in the construction industry. This national organization has chapters in the Puget Sound, Spokane, and several other locations.
National Association for Women in Masonry (NAWM) offers education, training, and networking to enhance the leadership skills of women in the building industry.
Professional Women in Construction is a nonprofit organization providing information on construction trends through seminars and networking events.
Sisters in the Building Trades provides information, resources an support for women seeking to enter and thrive in construction trade careers.
Washington Women in Trades was founded in 1978 for women working in trades to gather and share information. The Association sponsors an annual trades fair, where employers can recruit women for trades work. The fair is also an outreach to girls and women, including students from schools statewide who may not be familiar with the high paying jobs available in trades careers.
Oregon Tradeswomen was founded in 2007 helps transform lives by building community and economic independence through empowerment, training, career education, advocacy, and leadership development in the skilled trades. Oregon Tradeswomen’s commitment to help women achieve economic independence is integrated in our values, programs, advocacy, and direct service work. “Our work puts women on a path to economic independence. Our work helps change lives.”
Tradeswomen Building Bridges - Our Vision: We elevate tradeswomen: women as equal and construction trades as honorable work. Our Mission: Build the North American representation in the global network of tradeswomen advocating for themselves.
NABTU Women Build Nations is the largest gathering of tradeswomen in the world. They meet yearly to discuss mentorship, leadership, critical issues, safety, and more.
PGTI: Policy Group on Tradeswomen Issues was founded in 2008, PGTI is a multi-stakeholder collaboration of construction industry stakeholders committed to crushing the barriers to women’s access to good jobs in the union construction trades.
Tradeswomen Inc. was founded in 1979 to support women who are looking for a career in a craft, and act as a resource center for both tradeswomen and employers to bring change into the skilled trades.
Sisters in the Brotherhood has a goal to create a network of active members that provides avenues for women to eliminate barriers to their success and to promote an increase in the number and diversity of women in the UBC. We advocate for member involvement to strengthen the union and for the unity and retention of all members.
WiM: Women in Manufacturing was established in 2010 working toward a world in which a diverse and inclusive manufacturing sector offers equitable opportunities and rewarding careers for all people. WiM is committed to a culture of inclusion that acknowledges and respects our differences while fostering a genuinely welcoming community where everyone can feel that they belong. The link above is for the Washington State Chapter.
AWMI: Association of Women in the Metal Industries is an organization of professionals, founded in California in 1981, to promote and develop the growth of women in the metal industries. AWMI believes that women in similar industries can benefit themselves and their companies through relationships, education and shared knowledge. The programs and activities of AWMI are intended to enhance members’ skills and experience, address challenges confronting the industry, and promote members’ career growth with the ultimate goal of increasing the number of women employed in the metal industries. Membership is open to both women and men who are seeking to develop all aspects of their professional development and career advancement.
Women in Aviation International (WA Chapter) actively participates in STEM, aviation, education, and provision of scholarships for young women interested in the industry. They hold multiple events to help raise interest and awareness of women in the aviation professions.
WoWSA: Women of Washington State in Aerospace was born out of the needs of underserved women who want a job in aviation, aerospace or space. Women of Washington State in Aerospace (WoWSA) is a partner program that was established in 2015 by colleagues in the aerospace industry. WoWSA began with 17 women and in three months expanded by 100%. We offer an intimate and safe space with a warm welcome to any people that identify as women, and that want to work in, currently work in, or volunteer in aviation, aerospace and space industries. The WoWSA program includes: 1) Speakers and topical discussions; 2) Sharing what we each need and what we can offer another; 3) A broad industry women's network to connect in unstructured and structured ways.
Women of Aerospace at University of Washington was established in January 2018, Women in Aerospace was founded to provide solidarity for women within the Aeronautics and Astronautics department at the University of Washington. We provide a network of support for those who experience obstacles along their path through aerospace engineering.