Breaking the Stigma of Substance Misuse and Addiction for Construction Workers
March 30, 2022 7:30–8:45 a.m. Pacific • FREE REGISTRATION
The construction industry has taken steps to reduce the risks and liabilities of substance misuse among the workforce. However, the stress, uncertainties, and anxieties of the pandemic have magnified the risk of substance misuse or addiction relapse among workers and their families. Traditional approaches like drug testing and waiting for employees to either seek help through EAPs or hit rock bottom are not effective. Learn how breakthrough behavioral health solutions can help employers reduce risks and improve the wellbeing of workers.
This series will be presented online. Webinar login details will be sent to you after registration.
Learning Objectives:
Handling techniques for the “elephant in the room”
How substance misuse impairment and addiction impact construction
How using lived experience education and peer support coaching promotes help seeking leading to behavioral change
Benefits of creating recovery-friendly workplaces on diversity/equity/inclusion and workforce development
Learn how digital education and peer support coaching leads to addiction treatment and recovery.
Cal Beyer, CWP, Vice President; Workforce Risk and Worker Wellbeing; Holmes Murphy & Associates.
Richard Jones, MBA, LCAS, CCS, CEAP, SAP, c-EMDR, Executive Vice President; Heritage CARES