Pre-Emergency Planning
Date Posted: 09/01/2016
Even with the best plans and procedures in place, accidents can still happen. Advanced preparations make all the difference. Before the job starts, it is imperative that you have an emergency plan in place.
All workers at the job site should know the following procedures
Important Emergency Planning Steps
Review the facility emergency and contingency plans.
Determine what on-site communication equipment is available (two-way radio, cell phone, air horn).
Determine what off-site communication is needed.
Confirm and post the emergency contacts page in the project trailer and keep a copy in field vehicles along with evacuation routes and assembly areas
Communication to Workers on the Job Site
Communicate the emergency action plan to on-site personnel and keep it updated.
Rehearse the emergency response plan to all workers before site activities begin.
Brief each new worker to the job about the emergency action plan before work begins.
Emergency Equipment and Supplies
Check for appropriate number of Class A,B,C fire extinguishers based on construction site and construction activities.
Make sure the site has an updated first aid kit and everyone knows its location
Have a proper eye washing station at the job site.
If necessary, have an emergency shower located at the site
Have potable water on-site.
Include a blood borne pathogen kit in your emergency equipment and review how to properly handle blood borne pathogens.
Presenter tips
Pre-read the Toolbox Talk. Your comfort level and confidence will be higher if you know your topic.
Discuss related tasks, work areas or events that make the Toolbox Talk relevant to your job site.
Involve the workers by asking questions and input that drives discussion.
Questions for Discussion
Do you know your companies emergency response plan?
Where is the first aid kit kept at your job site?
Who is in charge of keeping your emergency plan updated?