Toolbox Talks

Toolbox Talks safety briefings are an easy and efficient way to keep construction employees safe.

What are Toolbox Talks?

These brief meetings offer an opportunity for team members to learn about potential hazards and preventive measures, as well as a chance for the employer to review safety regulations. They are a great way to ensure that everyone is aware of the safety protocols that must be adhered to in order to prevent accidents and injuries on the job site.

Each toolbox talk has been reviewed and approved by a subject matter expert at L&I DOSH.

We also offer safety talks in Spanish and Russian.

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SHIP Grant Logo

Funding and support for the Toolbox Talks project and mobile apps has been provided by the State of Washington, Department of Labor & Industries, Safety & Health Investment Project.

General Work Ricardo Ibarra General Work Ricardo Ibarra

Concrete & Masonry Safety

Date Posted: 05/11/2024

Concrete is a common building material used regularly in the construction industry. Concrete is generally made by combining cement, sand, aggregate (small stones), and water.

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General Work Ricardo Ibarra General Work Ricardo Ibarra

Concrete Pumping

Date Posted: 09/21/2016

Concrete pumping is an economical and efficient means of placing concrete on most jobs in the construction industry today. Every person on the job-site should understand the hazards that can occur when air is compressed in the hose. Following proper safety guidelines enables a safe, successful and profitable concrete pour.

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General Work Ricardo Ibarra General Work Ricardo Ibarra

Pervious Concrete

Date Posted: 09/03/2016

Pervious Concrete uses materials with larger aggregate to create voids for water to pass through it and back into the ground. Unlike typical concrete mixes, pervious mixes are hard to vibrate into place and thus require more manual labor to install, spread, and compress.

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General Work, Exposure Ricardo Ibarra General Work, Exposure Ricardo Ibarra

Recycled Concrete

Date Posted: 08/29/2016

Concrete is often used for non-structural fill, road base aggregate, or for specific landscaping projects. In some cases it is more cost effective to recycle a concrete building by crushing it onsite and use the crushed material for the new project. The use of recycled concrete significantly reduces unnecessary material being sent to the landfill.

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Download the FREE
Toolbox Talks App!

Discover, discuss, and document over 150 Toolbox Talks! The Toolbox Talks app makes it simple to find safety talks for both construction and marine industries in English, Spanish, and Russian. Find a talk to review, then document your safety briefing with a signature capture form that generates a PDF of the meeting details that you can email or save to your device.

Toolbox Talks App Screenshots

Funding and support for the Toolbox Talks project and mobile apps has been provided by the State of Washington, Department of Labor & Industries, Safety & Health Investment Project.