Suicide & Mental Health

We are not properly addressing worker safety if we are not addressing this critical issue.

The suicide rate in construction is 53.2/100,000 – that is 4 times greater than the national average and 5 times greater than that of all other construction fatalities combined.

This month, we are focusing on suicide prevention and mental health awareness.

Featured Toolbox Talks

English Toolbox Talks

Our extensive library of toolbox talks contains hundreds of safety briefings. This month, we’re featuring the following talks:

Charlas de seguridad en Español

Nuestra extensa biblioteca de charlas de seguridad contiene cientos de informes de seguridad. Este mes, presentamos las siguientes charlas:

Funding and support for this project has been provided by the State of Washington, Department of Labor & Industries, Safety & Health Investment Projects

Safety and health investment projects, link to

A Call for Help


Identifying Construction Fire Risk Begins with 5 Questions